Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Does Utopia Exist? What is Perfect?"

What is Perfect?
People say perfect does not exist. Perfect is just a figment of a person's mind. It's something people create in their mind to be what they feel is all they want in life. My definition of perfect, of course, will not fit everyone's expectations. But I don't live up to expectations and this is what I feel perfect is.


There is a Leader/President and they are elected and voted on. There aren't really any branches of government. Just the Leader and the People.
There is only one law/rule.
"You can do whatever you want as long as you are not hurting/harming anyone or anything."
If they break that law the appropriate consequence will be seeked.


Part A~
Family, Race, Religion, culture, language, and Wealth.
There are different groups and expressions of individuality but there are not certain levels of wealth, culture, nor language. There are different opinions but there are not certain clubs for different ways of thinking and opinions. I say, we should be able to name children how we choose and should get to pick the number of children we'd like to have therefore there will be no family plan in this utopian society. I do not force people to think a certain way or like certain things but we try to encourage people to think the same and stay on the same page instead of roaming off on their own direction. We'll have homes and cars but there will be about the same structure and design. We are a community and we make community decisions altogether but there is no "You have to like this to be a part of this community" or "you have to be like this to be a part of this community." Of course there is music, and food and books and everyone shares common interests in them and they get to choose what they like and what they don't but there will be no forcing this onto them.

Part B~
Research a career as a community planner.
Ability to: 
Plan, direct and integrate broad, comprehensive planning and community development programs and services; analyze complex planning and community development issues and problems, evaluate alternative solutions and develop sound conclusions, recommendations and courses of action; present proposals and recommendations clearly and logically in public meetings; understand, interpret, explain and apply local, state and federal law and regulations governing land use planning and community development; evaluate management practices and adopt effective courses of action; develop clear, concise and comprehensive technical reports, corres-pondence and other written materials; exercise sound, expert independent judgment within general policy guidelines; establish and maintain effective working relationships with the City Council, Planning Commission, DRB, other commissions and boards, officials, staff, private and community organizations, developers and others encountered in the course of the work.

Part C~
To me, The poem is saying, not one man is by himself but is a part of something bigger. And when that person dies it effects everyone who cares about him.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Utopian Street Art

What is considered a part of Utopian Street Art?
Mostly graffiti, statues, and paintings of different things. Mostly people, music, animals, and nature.
Can you find or create a definition for such?
It's a possibility. You could create one for your own benefit or one to use for everyone.
Choose one to represent your own island Utopia.
Why is this particular piece of art a representation?
Because it's creative and shows some one's Individuality for art and colours.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


We absolutely positively encourage Individuality. I think you have a right to be your own person. The residents dress as they may but of course they is no vulgar dressing allowed. There are tons expressions of "me" There are different sorts of music, art, Television shows as well as movies. There are also certain types of jobs that interest you and make you who you are. Nobody will judge or be judged because we are all equal no matter the differences. You can be who you want to be, express what you want to express, say what you feel needs to be said. But there are certain situations when you should keep quiet and keep to yourself. There will be no vulgar language or hurtful speech allowed. It's just not fair to be so mean to someone, it's not fair at all. Life isn't fair but this Utopian Society is here to get as close to a perfect life as we can. Some opinions may make some residents think negative thoughts but they must keep it to themselves. Because looks can be decieving sometimes so we need to accept people as they are and include everyone. Yes they can feel free to  be themselves but if they aren't acting as they are themselves then thats their choice. Anybody can be anyone they choose/want to be.

Daily Life and Economy

Sitting on one of the most exclusive private islands in Alexandria Bay's "Millionaire's Row," this five-bedroom home is a short distance from the shores of Wellesley Island, in the heart of the beautiful 1000 Islands region.

Utopia, to me, is supposed to be a perfect paradise where you can escape to a place where you feel is everything you need and everything you feel is the perfect Utopian Society.

Residents spend their days depending on age and gender. Children go to school four days a week for eight hours. Once they have reached the age of High school they can choose what their profession should be. If they must continue on to school, they will. If they have no need to return to school they won't. Adults shall continue on working with their profession. The hours they work depend on their profession.
Do you use money? Absolutely. Of course, the prices are not outrageous but there are certain costs for certain items.
Do you get paid different amounts for different jobs? Yes. Lets say, you went through eight more years of school for your job. You would get paid more for the extra school and trouble. If you do not go to school or work in a job you will either work at home or work in fields or ranches with animals and on farms. How does age relate to daily living? If  you are under six years of age you will stay at your home with whoever watches after your home during the day. If it's your mother or father or even a housekeeper you would stay with them. When you reach the age of six years you will start attending school. Up until age eighteen you will attend school. The longest you can go to school is 16 years.
You may retire when you turn forty five or you may keep working. This is your decision to choose. During breaks or free time you will just enjoy yourself and do whatever you feel needs to be done. Yes there is Telivision because I feel you should have a right to travel and understand other cultures and Tv is apart of that experience. Meals are prepared in the households of all the residents. It depends and what they have purchased to eat. Food is bought from the grocery store and in some households it is grown. Everybody is treated equally with the same punishments or the same praises; nobody is treatly above and beyond anyone else. If someone gets sick we have doctors and hospitals to care for the illnesses. Yes they will pay the doctor but it depends on how much work they do; checkups are always free. If you do not feel this is what you seek in an Utopian Society then you aren't the person that would get benefits from living here anyway.

Monday, February 4, 2013

About Belle Island

Name:Belle Island
Region: New York, United States
Location:Alexandria Bay
Type:Private Island
Price: USD 1,395,000
Status:For Sale
Size:2.00 Acres / 0.81 HA